Monday, July 30, 2007

Let Me Out of the Box (part 3 of 3)

I distinctly remember a 74 year old accountant who was working part time in an office with several 20-something's. When he took the audit his profile showed him clearly a Baby Boomer. It was hard to comprehend, so we had him take it again, and again. Each time his results showed strong Baby Boomer
tendencies and traits even though he was born a GI Generation.

So here is what the Generational Profile data reveals. Each person has their own history that is
influenced by their generation. Those in that generation share similar experiences. However, a potentially greater influencer is our local surroundings, how we were raised, family members, our geographical location, religion and a host of others.

I realize much is being said these days about generational differences in the workplace but we don't exist and have our being within the confines of these four boxes - GI Generation, Baby Boomer, Gen X or Millennials.

For more information on generational differences in the workplace go to

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